27 April 2009

No Somalis on The HudsonYet. Just Jerks on Shore

We took the stealth Acadia 11.5 out for our first patrol Sunday. Absolutely beautiful day on the river. Shad fishermen everywhere, kayakers about Middle Ground Flats Island. The water is still very cold which is why we went solo. Good thing.

On the return trip we set anchor at Dockside Grill in Athens. Went inside for a cold one. Good crowd for a Sunday afternoon. Quaffed down a beer after chatting with the guys from Main Street Band and confirming the photo shoot for May 2nd.

I jumped back aboard the Acadia and paddled along the docks then out to the river to set sail back to the boat launch. As I was passing the middle of the docks on the river side trouble started.

I forgot that Sundays the outside bar area at Dockside is taken over by bikers. They began hurling swear words my way like F*&#K you I'll kick your a$$ you stupid paddler.
There were also taking on three other paddlers who passed through just before I did.

I do feel they were Somali sleeper cells! Some pirates afraid of cold water. I do think however that these morons will not have much luck hijacking boats on the Upper Hudson. What would they do with blacktop and rock salt anyway?

Capt. No Class

Parsons Wayneright

06 April 2009

Spring season? Yeah right?

The Hudson is incredibly high right now. Upstream dams left open to let out some of the snow melt and rain coming today.

Looking forward for the first warm day to get out on the river

Capt. No Class
PArsons W. Wayneright