21 June 2009

Party With Some Real Pirates

After the run in with the UN peace keeping row boat we called in the heavy artillery. The only one to make it to shore in Athens was the Onrust (pronounceticated On-roost). They chatted with us and others in need of rum and then they sailed on the next morning to the Port of Albany to meet with the state senate Republicans. So pissed off at the meeting with the minority the Dems have since refused to show up for work!
This Flag has set the tone for the Middle Ground Flats for the summer.
The last time this flag was flown was 400 yeras ago when the Indians on Manhattan Island stole a bucket of rum from the Haalve Moon and Henry Hudson's crew.
And you thought Manhattan was bought for a song? Hold on tight mates we're in for some rough sailing I'm afraid.
Capt. No-Class (and no rum)
Parsons W.Wayneright

Harssed By UN Peace Keepers

Two Mondays ago I took the little barnacles out in the aircraft aluminum patrol vessel. We set sail under electric power from the Athens boat launch and headed south to the light house. After circling the lighthouse we set our bearings for Middle Ground Island with plans on attacking the beach head on the northern most point of the isle.

This time instead of sailing up on our side of the channel we entered uncharted waters along the shores of the City of Hudson. All was well except fr the breeze and running against current. About 2/3 rds of the journey up the channel a DEC patrol boat asked me for my Captains' Papers. I said this is a canoe (although a spy boat at that) and the motor is electric running on battery!

The YOUNG agent said don' matter you gaotta get zee paperz!

I was instructed to paddle back to shore after rounding the island!!

I will say we were not shot at this time! And the rum is flowing nicely.

Capt. No Class

Parsons W. Wayneright